Surf  New England

if you have the balls

Riding Giants? Sharks? Turf Wars? Piece of cake. It takes real balls to surf New England. And when you do, they get smaller. You can have your palm trees, your golden tan, your Beach Boys. We never wore diapers because we were born in a wetsuit. We ride Narragansett to Nantasket to Orchard Bay and beyond (but not much.) Because This Is New England. Because we can. And Gosh Darn It, because got here first. 

If you know what Sun-In is, you best stay away. 

we are Outside-insiders

Listen Up. Nobody around here wants you around here but me. I’m gonna let you in on the secret sweet spots and I might not survive the debrief, but I’ll take my chances because, well I have a big mouth and I can’t keep a secret. 

Check out our beach cams, our weather service, our insider heads up. And keep me clued in too. I swear I won’t tell anyone except my friends here. And they swear to keep quiet. Real quite. Right?